

Bringing 20 years automotive experience to Australia’s burgeoning electric vehicle market.

A photo of Simon Wakim

Simon has over 20 years of experience in the luxury car market and has developed a depth of understanding of the industry that is rare in the sector.

Simon understands the nuance of a customer-centric sales mindset, nurtured through countless happy customers on showroom floors. He’s lived and breathed the fundamentals and economics of running dealerships. And he has provided insight and strategic counsel on nationwide launches of premium vehicles.

Simon has a pedigree in the luxury car sector few others can match. Simon has founded, owned, run or been the principal dealer at numerous luxury dealerships throughout the past two decades.

He began and founded a luxury car and 4WD dealership in Camperdown, in Sydney’s Inner West. There, he established a ‘Guaranteed Buy Backs’ commitment, ensuring his dealership would buy back any vehicle they sold at a higher rate than any other dealer. This necessitated a commitment to selling only the best, most reliable vehicles, sending a clear signal to customers that the dealership had as much skin in the purchase as the customer.

As the future of the vehicle industry has become clearer amid the race to Net Zero and the emissions targets outlined in The Paris Agreement, Simon’s passion has naturally shifted towards the premium electric vehicle (EV) sector. Finally, a sector of the vehicle market that is aligned to a greater purpose, helping individuals and the Australian economy shift to a greener future.

Simon consulted on the entry of global EV leader BYD into the Australian market, which now nips at Tesla’s heels as the second most popular EV brand in Australia.

The success of the EV market is hugely dependent on the supporting infrastructure and overcoming the now infamous ‘range anxiety’ of Australian motorists. Hence, Simon has become a champion for the products and industries that support the EV market, such as charging infrastructure.

As a dedicated husband and with three loved children, the transition to EVs is not only the right thing to do sustainably but is a pathway to more enjoyable, safer motoring in the future.